child, family, portrait photography melbourne
Receive your photos on CD or USB
Ph: 0421 617 551
Vicky Leon

pricing / details
Vicky Leon
photography melbourne
Please enjoy my website.
I am no longer taking bookings.
(here is what my service used to be):
What you receive:
- You receive 50 photos on CD or USB
$440 (Weekdays)
$530 (Saturdays)
$620 (Sundays)
● I come to your home or a chosen location (Melbourne Metro).
● From the photos taken I choose the best 50 for you.
● You receive your photos on CD or BYO USB.
● You have 100% copyright of your photos to print and do with as you wish.
● Each photo is in colour AND in black & white.
● Each photo is in high resolution for printing AND low resolution for email or web.
● All photos are of high quality / high resolution, which result in professional prints and enlargements.
● My editing is very minimal as I prefer to give you the most natural looking photos possible; however I do edit face scratches, bruises and blemishes if you wish.
● I do not charge additional sitting or editing fees.
● Payment is due in cash at time of shoot.
Other (optional) fees:
● Photos not chosen (the "extras") will be emailed to you after the shoot. If you wish to purchase any of these extra photos, they are $5.00 each.
● Your CD/USB is mailed via regular post. If you would like it mailed via Express Post, there is an additional fee of $15.
● Additional copies of your CD are $30 each if mailed with original, or $50 each if ordered at a later date.
Benefits of receiving photos on CD/USB:
* You can print and enlarge your photos at a FRACTION of the cost that a photographer could charge (enlargements that photographers charge hundreds of dollars for, cost you around $30 to $60 to print yourself).
* Email them to friends and family.
* Share them on social media.
* Print them on canvas, block mount, frame.
* Use your photos as a screen saver on your computer.
* Display your photos in a digital frame.
* Be creative - crop them, colour them, create collages.
* Never pay the photographer for copies.
VENUE: I will come to your home or a chosen location (Melbourne metro).
PROCESS / WHAT YOU RECEIVE: You will receive your photos on CD or BYO USB in the mail. You can print and use your photos as you wish. Your photos will be supplied to you in four formats. Two in high resolution (one in colour and one in black & white). These are ideal for printing. The other two will be smaller / low resolution images (colour and black & white) which you can use to email to friends and family and use on-line.
NATURAL LIGHTING: As I prefer to photograph without a flash, an area in your home that has good natural light (bright / sunny room) is required, or if the weather permits the shoot can take place in your garden if you have a shady area (shade is a MUST). If your home does not have adequate natural light or your garden or local parks do not have shade, you might like to consider a trip to the Fitzroy Gardens. I feel I do some of my best work at the Fitzroy Gardens. Please let me know if you would like to take up this option. The choice is yours.
TIME: If having a family shoot, please allow two hours. Mums and dads, when you are not being photographed yourself, you may be encouraged to assist by interacting with your child/ren to keep them calm, happy and looking in the right direction. For portrait sessions without children the shoot will take a maximum of one hour.
WHAT TO WEAR: I believe single coloured clothing produce the best photographs, as patterns tend to date and detract from your face. I recommend NOT wearing white unless this is the colour you like best. I prefer clothing with some colour to bring out warmth in your skin.
PRINTING YOUR PHOTOS: I provide you with professional high quality images which with correct printing will result in beautiful photographs. I recommend having your photos printed at Photo Color I M A G I N G C E N T R E Heidelberg (www.photocolor.com.au). Photo Color offer an on-line service where they will mail your photos to you, or you can visit them at Warringal Shopping Centre, Burgundy St, Heidelberg, Melbourne. Ph: 03 9459 5004.
PHOTO EDITING: My editing is very minimal as I prefer to give you the most natural looking photos possible, however I do edit face scratches, bruises and blemishes if you wish.
MORE THAN ONE CHILD? ADDITIONAL FAMILY OR FRIENDS? PETS? Not a worry. I am happy to take photos of whom ever you wish during my time with you at no extra charge.
USE OF IMAGES BY ME: After our session I will ask you to complete a form giving (or not giving) me authority to use your photos. I respect that not everyone wants their photos used on my website, Facebook page or flyers, so the choice will be yours.
COPYRIGHT: Even though I am the primary copyright holder of all photos taken, you have full permission to print, email and use your photos as you wish.
AUSTRALIAN BREASTFEEDING ASSOCIATION: As a photographer of babies and children, I often donate photos to the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) for their use in booklets, flyers, promotional posters etc. Your photos will never be used unless I have asked you and you have given permission for their use. If you are happy for the ABA to have your photos on file for future use in promotions, please let me know and I will arrange this for you.
* To get the most out of our time together, have a think about the types of photos you would like. I am happy to guide you, however your ideas are welcome.
* Have a look through the photos on this and other websites for some ideas. Once you have a few ideas feel free to write them down. I can go through your list to ensure we don't miss anything. Having said that, don't be concerned if you haven't thought about it. I will guide you!
* If you are having a family shoot, please aim to have your child/ren well fed and rested before the shoot.
* As some of my shots will be close-ups, you might prefer to have your child/ren's nails nicely trimmed and their face food free.
* Sometimes between "poses" I keep shooting to capture special moments. Please keep this in mind as I'd hate you to be caught unawares!!!
* Most of all, enjoy yourselves. I'm there for you!